Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Poster Ideas

So Over break I have been finishing up my independent study class, which is where I work with one of my graphic design teachers, one on one, and they assign me 2 to 3 projects over the course of the semester. The last one I have been working on is doing a redesign for a record album and concert posters for Feist. I just love her. Let me know what you think!

 I used images from the Graphics Fairy, which is an AWESOME website, and cut pieces apart and put them together to make these interesting designs. I think they turned out pretty cool, these are just poster ideas...


My very first post.

Well and the journey begins... I plan on posting on this as much as I can, letting you know whats going on in my life. But most importantly whats going on in my store! ( http://www.etsy.com/shop/lindseykaynichols ) Ideas I come up with, tutorials I love, and so on :) Looking forward to finally blogging my little heart out.

Say hello to the loves of my life... 
Sophie (Left) and Bella (Right). First big snow of the year :)!